Thursday, June 9, 2011

Little Sister and the High School Gang

Although there are about 657890 people who really influence my life I will introduce the rest of them as they make their appearances but it would be tragic for me not to finish introducing a few key people: my little and my high school gang.
Let's start with my little sister, we became Big/Lil in October 2010 and it was potentially the best day of my life.  While our relationship started off slow we eventually began spending more and more time together and quickly realizing we are so similar its scary... we are also verrrry different on a lot different things but that is one of the things I love about us.  While I am very Midwestern in my back ground Lil Sis is 10000% southern belle and she cracks me up. She is hilarious and I love her. There however are currently no appropriate photographs of us to put online.

The high school gang.  Well there is about a million things I could say about the high school gang ... and its massive so I will keep it down to the core group of girls that I still talk to the most. There is Sugar Muffin, Gum Drop, Karli Cakes, Dance Pants, Meagasaurus, Beiber Fever, and Dr. Awesome.
There are MANNNNY hilarious pictures of all the aforementioned ladies but I will refrain from displaying them as of now. but without further ado here are my introductions.
Sugar Muffin came into my life in our freshman math class and without her I really would not have met the other girls in my gang and for that I am eternally grateful. We were the best of friends throughout high school and while we did grow apart for a while I am happy to announce that we talk daily now! Love you SOOO much Sugar Muffin.
Karli Cakes: I have know this gem of a friend since Freshman year but we didn't become super close til like umm end of junior year maybe? eek I don't even know but now we spend time together like errrrry day going on epic urban jungle hikes through the neighborhood. We always have a fantastic time and we both share an obsessive love of the color pink.
Gum Drop: The story is essentially the same as Karli Cakes as they have been besties since they were 11.  They are both hilarious and I have the grandest time with them.  Gum Drop is always there for me at the drop of a hat and always makes me laugh when I'm upset.
Dance Pants- is one of my oldest friends who is a year older than me. She guided me through a lot of things in my life just like the big sister I never had... Dance Pants is hilarious and intelligent and views the world through a completely different light than me. Dance Pants is a one of a kind fire cracker whom I love dearly and although is busy and leads a very entertaining life would do anything for me at the drop of a hat.
Meagsaurus: IS the little sister I never had. She is Sugar Muffins neighbor and lets just say when Meags got to high school we quickly forgot she was 14 when we were 17ish.  But she loved every minute of it and we love her dearly.  She is GORGEOUS and AWESOME and I LOVE hanging out with Meagasaurus. We have a lot in common and she is a hoot. Oh and her mother is hilarious and just happens to be my sorority sister love that family fo sho. 
Aghhhh yes Beiber Fever is a sort of new addition to my core group.  While Beiber Fever has been best friend with Gum Drop for more years than they probably can remember we have just recently become close in the past 2 years.  She is hilarious and as blunt as I am which makes us quite the pair when we hit the local bar scene.  She also loves the Beibs and honestly I can't blame her after she made me watch the movie.
Last but not least is Dr. Awesome. has been my friend since Kindergarten. We drew each others names out of the friendship box and its been history ever since. She is going to change the world, and that ladies and maybe  a few gentlemen is the honest to God's truth.
So there is a look into my friendship history.
Peace and Blessings,

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